Our People

Wendy Lansdown - Board Chair
Wendy Lansdown

Board Chair

Wendy started her REAP journey in 1988 when Helen Tennant, the General Manager of Southern Hawkes Bay REAP (now Tararua REAP), offered her the Early Childhood Education Coordinator position but Wendy decided to decline due to pregnancy. In 2003, Wendy became the Strengthening Families Coordinator, and had roles as the Parent Education Support Coordinator, Incredible Years educator and started the first Autism Support Group. Wendy finished her time as a staff member in 2013 but returned to the Tararua REAP Board in 2017 and has been there ever since. Wendy is now our Chairwoman.

Wendy has always loved lifelong learning, which is why she is so passionate about REAP. It is a holistic service that supports families, which is especially important in our small community. Wendy has a passion for the community and a desire to be a part of something bigger. As Chairwoman, Wendy aims to flexibly and responsively support staff to deliver the services that Tararua REAP offers.

Elaine Reilly - General Manager
Elaine Reilly

General Manager

Elaine emigrated to New Zealand 15 years ago with her husband and their two primary school aged children. They haven’t looked back since selling their sheep farm and consultancy businesses in Scotland, and they have considered themselves Skiwis (Scottish Kiwis) from those early days.                                                                                Throughout her career Elaine has used positive psychology and business qualifications to create opportunities and enhance potential in all kinds of organisations. She was CEO of the Manawatu Regional Economic Development agency and Project Manager at Office for Seniors in MSD. In the Education space, Elaine has been a governance trainer for NZSTA covering the lower North Island schools and kura, and is chair of the advisory board of Scallywaggs Early Childcare & Sprouts Homecare business in Central Hawkes Bay.

Out of work hours, Elaine cites bees, painting, singing, business, gardening and cooking as some of her favourite things to do when she is not chilling with her husband Mike and their family.

Kerri Verwaayen - Financial Manager
Kerri Verwaayen

Financial Manager

Kerri is our in-house number cruncher! She supports the Tararua REAP team by making sure all the financial matters are taken care of including the wage payments. She was a Finance Mentor/Budget Adviser for 10 years and can’t help herself to still help out with the occasional client. One of Kerri's tasks is also being the Administrator for the Tindall Foundation fund on behalf of the Tararua and Wairarapa area. REAP’s “CAN DO” attitude is what really appeals to her, supporting people with whatever brings them to REAP.

Kerri moved to Dannevirke with her family after moving through the ranks of the share milking system in Taranaki, going from wages to farm ownership. She helps out on the farm and looks after the administration and finances, and is still the main calf rearer… just for some physical activity! In her free time, Kerri helps out at Tararua RDA (Riding for the Disabled), enjoys reading and doing jigsaws,  and likes to spend time with friends.

Alice Franklin  - Marketing Manager
Alice Franklin

Marketing Manager

Alice is the Marketing Manager for Tararua REAP, finally putting her Marketing Degree to use again after leaving a career in banking to become a mum 7 years ago. Alice has previous experience in the advertising and marketing sector and is excited to put those skills to use in support of the team here at REAP.

Alice and her husband live just outside of town on a small lifestyle block. They enjoy a busy life looking after two young children and being owner operators of their forest harvesting crew, Franklin Logging. 

Caroline Gyde  - Education Manager / Team Leader
Caroline Gyde

Education Manager / Team Leader

Caroline manages the Education team and overseas all Adult Community Education, support for School and Early Childhood, Strengthening Families and Whanau Support. Caroline has spent over two decades working as a primary school teacher along with stepping into the Deputy Principal and Principal role.  

Alyshea Bell - Strengthening Families Coordinator
Alyshea Bell

Strengthening Families Coordinator

As the Strengthening Families Coordinator, Alyshea helps families work through the ‘red tape’ stuff with government and community organisations so that they can sort through their concerns and life’s challenges with the right support they need. She doesn’t profess to know everything that’s available but makes it her mission to find out to learn and grow. 

When Alyshea isn’t promoting the Strengthening Families process she enjoys spending time with family and friends, walking the dogs, 4×4 and discovering new spots especially within the Tararua District to explore.

Rose Bertram - Parent Support Coordinator
Rose Bertram

Parent Support Coordinator

Rose has a range of qualifications including a Batchelor of Education from Edith Cowan University, Perth Australia. As Tararua REAP's Parent Support Coordinator, Rose has wonderful opportunities to support parents and whānau in their parenting journey. This includes whanau support, strengthening families, and parenting courses including Triple P, The Incredible Years, and the Youth Parent Program.

Rose enjoys living on a dairy farm, line dancing and playing the tenor horn in the Dannevirke Brass Band. In the warmer months, you will find her in the great outdoors, enjoying nature and going on fun adventures with her whanau.  

Mel Oliver - Education Support Coordinator
Mel Oliver

Education Support Coordinator

Mel is Tararua REAP’s Education Support Coordinator and works in a few areas of REAP including playgroups and early childhood education, is a trainee budget mentor, and supports The Incredible Years Programme.

Her background has been working in the early childhood sector in Australia in remote Aboriginal communities, foster care, early-childhood centres, and establishing and running a playgroup. She has also spent time dairy farming.

Mel and her family moved to Dannevirke in 2021 onto a small off-grid lifestyle block. In her spare time, she loves spending time with family and friends, working towards self-sufficiency, gardening, and animals (she has a few!).

Lynley Densham - Customer Service Manager
Lynley Densham

Customer Service Manager

Lynley is our Customer Service Manager who is passionate about delivering the best possible customer service experience. Lynley enjoys the diversity of people and children who walk through our REAP doors and prides herself on making sure they leave knowing they have had a great experience and are happy to return!

Lynley grew up in Dannevirke and has recently returned after 30 years. She is enjoying being part of a small, strong community again. In her spare time Lynley enjoys organic gardening and spending time with her family.

Rozanne Jensen  - Financial Mentor / Team Leader
Rozanne Jensen

Financial Mentor / Team Leader

Rozanne is the team lead of the Budget Service and a Financial Mentor. She works one on one or with small groups teaching the basics of competent money management.  

Rozanne has been around Dannevirke all her life and after 15 years in the banking sector joined Tararua REAP at the end of 2020 as a Financial Mentor. Rozanne’s passion is working with people especially educating them to understand and manage their money. Joining the Budget Service team gives her the opportunity not only to assist people in financial difficulty but educate those whom want to better improve their situation

Outside of work Rozanne love spending time with family and friends creating lifelong memories.

Julie Walker  - Financial Mentor and Office Support
Julie Walker

Financial Mentor and Office Support

Julie Walker is Tararua REAP's Office Support and trained Financial Mentor.

Julie joined Tararua REAP for one day a week in September 2021 working as a backup for reception. She then left 28 years in the banking sector behind her and is now working at Tararua REAP four days a week and loving it.  She has a passion for helping people along with the community which she can do in so many ways while working at REAP.

Julie has lived in Dannevirke over 27 years so thinks she is a local now! Julie is married with two teenage children. When she is not working at Tararua REAP, Julie enjoys spending time with family and friends.

Carmel Cole - Customer Services
Carmel Cole

Customer Services

Carmel joined Tararua REAP in 2022 and works part-time in Customer Services team.  

She is new to Dannevirke and looking for ways to be involved in the local community and to support people in ways she is able.  After 23 years in the classroom and 12 in administration, it is time to take life at a slower pace.

When not working at Tararua REAP or at her local church, Carmel loves developing her garden and growing vegetables.  She is often seen around the town on her early morning walk.     

Shelly Richardson - Admin Coordinator
Shelly Richardson

Admin Coordinator

Shelly is Tararua REAP’s capable allrounder, she is a valued support person for the whole REAP team helping with ECE, and the Science Lab Library. Shelly is the main Administrator for all course related data management plus she helps cover reception.

Shelly recently moved back to Dannevirke late 2020 with her husband and she is excited to be working at the heart of the Tararua community. She has two sons who have left home to follow their passions.  Shelly and her husband have brought a dry stock farm that keeps her busy when she is not at REAP.

Tiaki Churchouse  - Marketing and I.T. Support
Tiaki Churchouse

Marketing and I.T. Support

Tiaki works in several spaces at Tararua REAP, mainly as IT and Marketing Support. You will mostly see Tiaki on reception or teaching the wider community the basics in using their digital devices. Becoming the IT support person for Tararua REAP allows him to continue to expand his knowledge of technology and share that with our community. Tiaki has been living in Dannevirke all his life and began work experience at Tararua REAP at the beginning of 2022. He was employed a few weeks later as IT Support and has now gained many other duties. Tiaki has always been interested in technology but working at REAP has surfaced a new passion with marketing.

Outside of work, Tiaki loves to plan and organise events for the community and would one day love to learn how to make synchronized light and fireworks displays so he can create his own for the Dannevirke Community. He enjoys playing the guitar in his spare time and would eventually like to learn to play the drums. Tiaki also has an interest in custom tiny homes and is currently building a digital design that he plans to actually make in the near future.

Our Board

Current Board Members (from left): Jenna Hutchins, Wendy Lansdown (Board Chair), Elaine Reilly (GM), Aroha Walker, Scott Gilmore (Deputy Chair), Maria Rāhui, Angelina Hollows (Board Secretary).

Our Board  - Current Board Members (from left): Jenna Hutchins, Wendy Lansdown (Board Chair), Elaine Reilly (GM), Aroha Walker, Scott Gilmore (Deputy Chair), Maria Rāhui, Angelina Hollows (Board Secretary).